• Research on the combined application of infrared heating technology and other technologies in fruit and vegetable drying

    With the increasing demand for product quality, using infrared heating technology alone can no longer meet the drying requirements, which has prompted people to combine infrared heating technology wit

    2024-04-23 李建 31

  • The wavelength difference of infrared heating

    Infrared is widely used for industrial heating or drying, such as surface heating, drying, and curing processes in the fields of automobiles, plastics, printing, glass, textiles, food, metal parts, ci

    2024-04-23 李建 109

  • The advantages of infrared coated lamp tubes

    1 节能和高效:有涂层灯管与无涂层灯管比较5厘米处的检测温度高处30%以上,即约可节约能源30%左右。按1000W的灯寿命5000小时计算,使用有涂层加热灯每支灯在寿命期间可以节约用电1500度,约相当于节约1200元人民币。(按每度电0.8元计) 2 理想的热量分布:有涂层加热灯由于灯管一侧有反射层,使热能更加集中在需要加热的物体上。 3 加热器的保护:由于有反射涂层,使灯管有涂层一侧温度

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